Idaho's Mike Crapo among six U.S. senators quietly tackling entitlements | Idaho Politics | Idaho Statesman

WASHINGTON — Is anyone going to fix Social Security? Medicare? Medicaid? Before they overwhelm the federal government?

While President Barack Obama and congressional leaders offer vague assurances, six senators - three Republicans and three Democrats whose ideologies cover the liberal-conservative spectrum - are quietly taking up the baton.

Those with bigger titles, including the president, are watching, ready to join the discussion if this Gang of Six doesn't trip on the opening lap. Obama did little to address entitlement programs in the 10-year budget he unveiled Monday, and House Republicans aren't touching them as they debate how much and where to cut other, mainly non-benefit programs for the next seven months.

House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, said Thursday he plans to work on cutting wasteful spending in entitlement programs this spring, but offered no details. House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan, R-Wis., said House Republicans will address guaranteed benefit programs in their 2012 budget plan, though Social Security isn't expected to be part of the plan.


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"... said Sen. Kent Conrad... [regarding the current financial state of our union, but it applies to every aspect] '... it is our responsibility to bring the country back from the brink. It is our obligation, and it's got to start here.'"

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