
Showing posts from May 17, 2009

Energy of the Day Tuesday, 05-19-09

The Page of Cups brings someone with a dream and a unique ability to believe in miracles. Our worlds are expanding and we're eager to discuss future projects. Meetings are fruitful under this energy.

Energy of the Day Monday, 05-18-09

The Five of Pentacles finds us feeling confused and upset, having a hard time dealing with others. Self-doubt intrudes due to external forces and amplifies any sense of misfortune, suffering, and loss, particularly in love and business. We'll do well to take our time today when we choose to express ourselves, as our words plant the seeds of our futures.

Energy of the Day Sunday, 05-17-09

The Knight of Swords calls for choices regarding investments and partnerships, both in business and in love. We're looking to move toward financial security and get potential enterprises off the ground but there's a risk of twisted thinking if we can't let the wind take us where it will. Mental energy and communication are strongly underscored here and travel and technology play major roles in our day.