
Showing posts from April 13, 2014

Energy of the Day

The decision to open up with our families today about those things we don't usually discuss brings the start of a new cycle of fortune. It's time to throw it all out there and really get to the root of how our homes function, to restore balance where things have shifted off-kilter. Our feelings threaten to take over at times, but engaging in established rituals gives us an opportunity to take a step back, think about what's going on, and address it in a smart, stable way. Eot* can be found at 1AM MT daily at: Moments of Awareness, LLC   or MOA’s Blog ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Subscribe to Eot* by Email ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Visit MOA's Donors page to learn more about our generous contributors.

Energy of the Day

Courage and determination are required to stand up for what we deserve today, but taking the initiative to do so can teach us a great deal about ourselves if we'll learn. Engaging our strengths in pleasurably creative ways leaves us feeling like teenagers, which is fine as long as we don't take it to the extreme of feeling entitled and taking what we want without respect to those who earned it. Willpower takes us far under this energy when we've got the facts to back up our perspective. Eot* can be found at 1AM MT daily at: Moments of Awareness, LLC   or MOA’s Blog ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Subscribe to Eot* by Email ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Visit MOA's Donors page to learn more about our generous contributors.

Energy of the Day

Dreams are brought to fruition here by engaging in physical activities with our significant others, but we must be careful that we're making our choices for good reasons or those same dreams run a strong risk of dying. Exploring the beliefs of our ancestors to find the parts that draw us on a fundamental level lights the way through a shifting, illusory landscape toward the fulfillment of material wishes we carry for our friends. Friction and agitation arise during this exploration of where we come from, which communication with our partners and others who live in our homes help to alleviate. Eot* can be found at 1AM MT daily at: Moments of Awareness, LLC   or MOA’s Blog ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Subscribe to Eot* by Email ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Visit MOA's Donors page to learn more about our generous contributors.

Energy of the Day

A relationship is on trial here and a choice will be made, though much to our regret we can't please everyone; we can figure out who does find us pleasing and focus on delivering what it is they've come to count on from us. Communication that doesn't feel comfortable in the hands, arms, and shoulders and thoughts that cause discomfort in the lungs are coming from a place that's destructive for us, and we have to decide if it's a tear-down we want to go about at this time in this way (which it may be). The love and wisdom of our inner children guide us now toward balance in all areas of life and the need to start over. Eot* can be found at 1AM MT daily at: Moments of Awareness, LLC   or MOA’s Blog ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Subscribe to Eot* by Email ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Visit MOA's Donors page to learn more about our generous contributors.

Energy of the Day

Working on bettering ourselves has resulted in an increased sense of productivity and contribution supported by heightened self-awareness. Our intestines are regenerated through processes of purification, our nervous systems respond favorably to loving, idealistic conversation, and our careers benefit from bringing to the table both new ideas and those that we've reworked sufficiently to give them new life. A close examination of whether and how we communicate about the things to which we're devoted allows us to connect where we haven't successfully before. Eot* can be found at 1AM MT daily at: Moments of Awareness, LLC   or MOA’s Blog ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Subscribe to Eot* by Email ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Visit MOA's Donors page to learn more about our generous contributors.

Energy of the Day

Today's all about blending philosophy and concrete science around ideals in health, and finding areas where apparent conflicts can be brought into cooperation. Intellectual knowledge of the physical ways in which our manner of dealing with others affects us contributes to our emotional stability, as does our ability to see the bigger picture here. Success arises from devotion to service within our immediate surroundings. Eot* can be found at 1AM MT daily at: Moments of Awareness, LLC   or MOA’s Blog ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Subscribe to Eot* by Email ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Visit MOA's Donors page to learn more about our generous contributors. [Hey, while you're here maybe check out the new Indiegogo campaign . (--->) Thanks very much! :) ~P.]

Energy of the Day

Today not only do we recognize clearly the wisdom of our partners, but we're able to express that recognition in ways they can appreciate if we take a moment to see from their perspective. If we don't, we can expect friction and opposition where it matters most, which stand a good chance of leading to the death of a lucrative deal to which we're strongly emotionally attached at the moment. We'll be well-served by seeking out hidden pockets of specialized expert knowledge that apply to our personal issue du jour. Eot* can be found at 1AM MT daily at: Moments of Awareness, LLC   or MOA’s Blog ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Subscribe to Eot* by Email ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Visit MOA's Donors page to learn more about our generous contributors.

Energy of the Week

Things come and they go; holding on at this point in our emotional cycle will stand in the way of receiving what's coming as we move forward, with adverse effects on our families. We'll understand later that we weren't seeing the whole picture and how our dreams and desires can sometimes cloud our judgment, so for now we just have to move forward with both caution and confidence, trusting our intuition but watching our feet. Submission to our own beliefs allows us to be guided by our sixth/common sense, or our higher power, or our intuition or our universe or whatever it is we believe in when our way is necessarily obscured; though some dreams may die here faith allows us to await the birth of new improved ones with grace and patience. Eot* can be found at 1AM MT daily at: Moments of Awareness, LLC   or MOA’s Blog ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Subscribe to Eot* by Email