
Showing posts from May 17, 2015

Thunderstorming Now!

There's been some pretty good thunder the last few minutes, seems to still be going some. No rain yet, but looks like there will be. :) Yay! :)

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Thunderstorming Now!

Where's the thunder, eh? It's there, just before I posted this. I realize some of you have seen more rain and thunder in the last little while than you ever wanted to so it's far less exciting for you than for me to get thunder and lightning. You may have noticed that the configuration of the land here means that most systems even if they're strong in the Valley flow around us rather than over, so while we get plenty of water we don't often get to see severe weather and I've always had a thing for a good lightning storm. When we lived in NC, I'd be the one in the middle of a hurricane standin' in my front yard takin' pictures. :) Anyhoo, 's interactive map makes it look like the system that brought a little thunder a minute ago just disappears, and sometimes they really do but this one looks like it's still there, just between cells. We shall see. :) All the best, have a great day, love y'all, Peace

Thunderstorming Now!

No, for reals, with lightning and thunder and the whole bit, and we haven't even lost power yet! :)