I can't find it at their site , but the magazine is widely available for reference: The Accidental Pirate My family and I don't illegally download movies or music (as far as I know, at least). We do, however, use a ton of bandwidth - Netflix, gaming, music streaming, etc. I read that Internet service providers are cracking down on downloaders and pirates. Does that change anything for us? Unless your kids are sneakily downloading movies on BitTorrent, then, no, the new Copyright Alert anticipatory system shouldn't affect you. The standardized warning system, designed by ISPs and the Center for Copyright Information - a coalition of film, music and TV companies - is targeted at people who actively share content illegally. The new system works like this: A content owner notifies an ISP that one of its users is hosting illegal material on BitTorrent or a similar service; the ISP warns said pirate that he's been caught; if the pirate doesn't cease and desist, ...