Energy of the Month
Aries [update for all links (February 4, 2104): MOA T & A Glossary ] That's right, slow down a bit, settle in, relax, let things come to you for now. Trying to force change will only leave you frustrated but if you can sit back and take things in you'll find change abounding in the unseen regions. You're exceptionally well-suited to following the path most appropriate to your energy in a given moment. They're all going to be more dense than you prefer but sometimes that's refreshing for one such as yourself who's used to meeting challenges head-on and conquering them without a second thought in most cases, a chance to flex all your physical, emotional and intellectual muscles and really work out your kinks for a while. Have consideration for the sometimes extreme sensitivity of others this month and go with the flow to whatever degree you feel is appropriate and things will perk up around the 16th, especially in the areas of people and things to which...