Half of meat in America contains harmful bacteria | Mail Online
Almost half of the meat and poultry sold at stores across America contains a type of bacteria that is a common cause of infection in people. Researchers bought 136 packages of chicken, turkey, pork, and ground beef at 26 grocery stores or supermarkets in five cities and found that 47 per cent contained Staphylococcus aureus, known as S. aureus or staph. Nearly half of the contaminated samples contained strains of that bacteria that are resistant to at least three antibiotics, such as penicillin and tetracycline. Some strains were resistant to a half dozen or more. Scroll down for video Loaded with bacteria: New research shows that nearly half of meat sold across the States contains the antibiotic-resistant S. aureus AMERICANS ARE BUYING MORE MEAT THAN EVER Despite the soaring cost of food, Americans are buying more meat than ever, new research has shown. [...] Full article at dailymail.co.uk I'm thinkin' it'd be a good idea...