“I’ll Forgive You, You Miserable Bastard.” Forgiveness That Hurts or Works. | elephant journal
Forgiveness as a new view
Imagine you are stuck in traffic. You find yourself in a rage at the driver of the car stopped up ahead. He’s causing this whole mess! And then you are lifted up, as if in a helicopter. You see an accident a mile ahead. You have a new view. You now look at the driver ahead, who, a moment ago you hated. You shake your head and smile.
This is how true, liberating, forgiveness works. It happens quickly and completely. Your new view of the situation is based on truth, not on a mistake.
Most of us have no idea how to forgive. We keep doing it over and over the wrong way. And we get the same temporary sick satisfaction, but no lasting happiness or liberating sense of freedom.
Full article at elephantjournal.com, to which Darcy turned me on; thanks! :)
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