
Showing posts from December 7, 2008

Energy of the Day Sunday, 12-14-08

The Eight of Wands has us on the move, expanding our horizons, and getting away from home for a spell. New opportunities, romantic and otherwise, arise out of gatherings and long-distance communications. This is a good day for expressing broad-minded philosophies.

Energy of the Day Saturday, 12-13-08

The Nine of Pentacles puts the focus on business, promotion, and paths to invigoration. Revitalization of partnerships and enterprises comes through analysis of what energizes us about our work and disposal of that which is unhealthy or serves no one. We'll do well to take the opportunity to mediate for change when it arises.

Energy of the Day Friday, 12-12-08

The Eight of Swords has us feeling oppressed and restricted, imprisoned by deadlock. Accidents and health problems come to the fore and we feel emotionally blinded, but where we're able to express ourselves we can expect a fruitful outcome. It will serve us to keep in mind that this darkness is only temporary.

Energy of the Day Thursday, 12-11-08

The Nine of Wands calls for courage, patience, and character and asks that we do the best we're able according to our circumstances. When the time is right to act it will be important that we do so in a disciplined manner according to the strength of our convictions. Today's energy is optimistically expressive and philosophical in nature with an eye toward the big picture.










Energy of the Day Wednesday, 12-10-08

The Five of Wands has us analyzing the likely effects of acting through our intentions or personal integrity. Change and reformation arise from inner conflicts and unexpressed desire in the areas of business and romance. Work done here expresses itself widely in good time.

Energy of the Day Tuesday, 12-09-08

The Five of Cups has us longing for excitement but lacking the desire to make it happen in the face of what feel like setbacks and obstacles. We're exhausted and need to take some downtime during the current delay to reassess our physical, mental, and emotional states. Today's activity is largely internal as we sift through our respective inventories in search of our legacies.

Energy of the Day Monday, 12-08-08

The Ten of Swords asks that we clean up and clear away that which has gone sour regarding those projects on which we've lost momentum. Our selves, our families, our homes, businesses, and communities will all benefit from attention received under this highly creative expressive energy. This is the time to bring forward what we have and have become through past cycles to set the foundation for future ones.

Energy of the Day Sunday, 12-07-08

The Knight of Pentacles tells of a primary focus on the most basic fundamentals today; life, love, and the pursuit of happiness. Travel, promotion, and property are our main vehicles of expression here and what is expressed is bound to manifest. Advertising and real estate are favored investments under this energy.