I wonder what we'll do when we realize that for every pathogen we think we've conquered as many will arise as need be to fulfill the functions of those we've eliminated. Just beyond that and the awareness that disease is a form of natural population control is the realization that an uncontrolled population is it's own greatest danger, which means disease is good, in the sense of being purposeful and beneficial in the grand scheme. Most of us have no problem with these basic tenets until the disease results in death, especially the death of someone we know, especially someone we love. Perhaps beyond the realization that disease is good we'll find that even death is good. Perhaps that will open the door to finding death in ease, not needing all the pain and trauma of disease or accident to allow ourselves to pass from this life to the next. And there will always be a next life. Life could not exist without death, but neither can death exist without life. If when we...