Energy of the Month

Shoulda woulda coulda, it's too late now. Virgo [update for all links (February 4, 2104): MOA T & A Glossary] urges us to clean house, to stop crying over spilt milk and put the pitcher upright. We're preparing to move into the wider world with ideas that have been incubating over the past year/s and it's time now to tie up loose ends, burn off the IP's (for you military types), finish our product and/or perfect delivery of our service. The shift we're experiencing this month is unusually pronounced and taking place on several levels. Our creation has been in the kiln of late, baking under an unusual intensity of Sun energy with several planets in Leo and Pisces. All of a sudden it's nearing time to reveal our sculpted clay piece in all it's earthen glory, beginning with our family and close friends, immediate loved ones, and in stages over the course of time (as is always the case) to those business partners who are not also our friends and to the wider world. What we haven't perfected we must find a way to cast in a positive light, creating assets out of debits. (Think of the first legless lizard: Well after snakes have learned about and incorporated these legs the other creatures use, some come along who, you know, perhaps procrastinate a little too long to get their legs made inside the egg, or perhaps they just wanted to make something old new again. What could they do when it was time to hatch, ready or not? They could be embarrassed, they could allow their 'deficiency' to kill them or they could go, "Hey man, it's cool. Legs are *so* last incarnation, dude!" and go about figuring out how to get around, which is apparently what they did. J Anyway,) Everything is charged with 'negative' energy right now, except innovative change. This is intended to bring us care in our dealings, encouraging us to pick through things carefully and look at everything from all sides without worrying about every last detail to the detriment of our health. The Virgan ideal is to find the point of grace, of balance, to create a space in which worry is not necessary because we've seen to our details. Leaving necessary things undone will manifest quickly in unraveling, so choose tasks carefully. There are those things we wish to unknit and those we're working to create. Follow your thread back and see what the consequences are likely to be before you give that satisfying yank to the strings holding together your unstable structures. When you do yank, having done your homework, do so with joy and confidence. The temple virgin dedicates herself to an ideal, buries her passions in the earth in order to free her soul to the service of her chosen entity/-ies, belief/s and/or cause/s. Our causes now must be those things of which we dream in which we do not quite believe. We must tear them apart in this quietude and discard that which is truly unbelievable in favor of what we have learned works. What needs to be added will be found in the examination of what is; the time for new creation is over for now.
