Red Tape - Verizon Wireless customers targeted in nearly invisible Trojan horse scam

Verizon Wireless customers who tried to pay their bills online last week may have been hit by an ingenious, almost undetectable hacker attack aimed at stealing their identities.

Consumers whose computers were infected with the SpyEye Trojan horse program would have been redirected to a Web site controlled by criminals after they logged into Verizon Wireless' website, according to Israel-based security firm Trusteer. Then they were presented with a form that appeared to be from Verizon, but tricked users into entering a detailed series of personal information, including their Social Security number and credit card information.

"The attack is transparent to Verizon customers since the malware waits for the user to log on and access their billing page, and only then injects an authentic-looking replica Web page that requests this information," said Amit Klein, Trusteer's CEO. "Since the user has logged on and has navigated to the familiar billing page they have no reason to suspect this request for payment information is fraudulent."

SpyEye is a copycat of the powerful Zeus Trojan horse that has been successfully used in massive electronic banking heists, including a series of thefts the FBI warned about recently that hit U.S. companies and sent millions of dollars to six Chinese cities. [...]

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