Five Drug-Free Ways to Treat ADHD Symptoms - ADHD
Probably the most popular method to treat ADHD in children is through the various ADHD medications. For many children the medications can work successfully in diminishing the symptoms of ADHD. Yet there are instances where the medications don’t work as well as parents had hoped or they have so many side effects that the medication is stopped. It is also true that medications are but one tool in our arsenal to treat the symptoms of ADHD. What can be of great benefit is to use a multi-treatment approach combining non-prescription methods with medication if necessary.
As a former special educator and as a parent of a special needs child, it is my opinion that the treatment options with the least amount of potential risk should be utilized first. I believe in only providing as much intervention as is necessary. This means to use a multi-tiered approach. It has been my experience to try the non-medication methods first and then add medication only if it is deemed essential for the child’s well being and functioning.
Here are five non-prescription ways to treat ADHD symptoms in children:
1. Use sensory integration techniques to help your ADHD child diminish hyperactivity and improve their ability to pay attention. [...]
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