Energy of the Day

Children, again your dreams are at the forefront, but now it's the emotions you invest that inform the work you're willing to put into making them happen; to the degree that you can control your agitation when things don't go your way, this is your lucky day. For all of us cycles of sorrow are coming to an end, and where we've figured out how to put our pain to good use in helping those around us stay on course we find our own paths similarly illuminated. We yearn to expand our future prospects, and now is the time to focus our efforts on doing so through conversations with our partners, friends, and families regarding the improvement of ourselves and our homes.

Page of Cups | Earth of Water | Pisces (activating Neptune Rx in the Sixth & Chiron & Moon in the Seventh) | Saturn Rx in Scorpio in the Third | Saturn Trine (s) Chiron | Moon, Saturn & Chiron Trine & Neptune Sesquisquare (all s) Jupiter (in Cancer in the Eleventh)

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