Energy of the Day

Men, the investments you make in your families today pay off in increased financial independence and improvement in any home business you run. We can all stand to indulge in a little romantic daydreaming under this energy, especially with regard to the material things we'd like to provide to our friends and significant others. However, while talking about these wishes bolsters our good fortune now, making them happen is another story and the best way past the obstacles in our way is to be pragmatic about the reality of the situation and go with the flow rather than pushing for instant gratification.

King of Cups | Fire of Water | Cancer (activating Mercury {Rx} in the Tenth & Lilith {Rx} Conjunct {s} Jupiter in the Eleventh) | Mercury Trine (a) & Lilith & Jupiter Square (a/s) North Node (in Libra in the Second)

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