Energy of the Week
Health problems encountered this week center around the hands, arms, shoulders, and lungs, though the people around us are more than willing to help when we ask them to. The process of renewal in which we're engaged now drives us to withdraw from family and restrict our activities, but a little uncertainty at home supports regeneration as long as we remain in touch with our friends as required. Once we've spilled our secrets and talked through what we need with our loved ones, balance is restored and we feel purified.
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[Dude, Jr. has discovered Sims 3 and can't play it on his own computer. I use mine for work so he's gotta use Dad's for now, and we've been anticipating his enjoyment of this game so Eot* videos will be delayed over the next while and posted as they can be completed (which is kind of a bummer for Dude, Sr. since he finally got his animated keyboard finished and has been looking forward to refining Li'l Dude's keyboard-playing movements :D ). Thanks for your patience, and your continued enjoyment of Eot*. :) ~Peace (& the Dudes)]
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