Energy of the Day

Ladies, our work today needs to be focused on shifting our mindset, toward ways in which we can improve our financial situations through research of and training in new technologies and away from feeling that we either don't deserve material prosperity or that we're more deserving of it than we are, whichever the case may be. For all of us, talking with friends about new philosophical understandings regarding how our emotional attractions affect our thinking and how our mutual dreams with partners can get in the way of our own growth creates fortuitous and transformative opportunities for career advancement when we methodically break those hopes and wishes down and let them go; what matters, and what is truly of us, will remain. Once we get our words in line with our sentiments our efforts can be rewarded with personal satisfaction in having made the most of who we are as we relate to other people.

Queen of Swords | Water of Air | Virgo (activating the Second) | Moon (in Sagittarius in the Fourth) Trine (a) & Mercury (in Gemini in the Eleventh) Sextile (a) Venus & Uranus (in Aries in the Ninth) & Square (a/s) Neptune (in Pisces in the Seventh) | Venus & Uranus Square (s) Pluto (Rx in Capricorn in the Sixth) | Moon Opposite (a) Mercury | Venus Conjunct (a) Uranus

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