Boise City Council approves negligent behavior fees | Boise, Garden City, Mountain Home | Idaho Statesman
Boise City Council Tuesday evening unanimously approved more than a dozen new fees designed to recover the cost of at-fault conduct that result in emergency fire/rescue responses and services provided by the Boise Fire Department.
The city will continue to provide emergency services to anyone who needs them, but in an effort to control costs, it will attempt to recover emergency response costs due to negligent, intentional or alcohol/drug-related acts.
For example, if some chooses to float the Boise River when it is unsafe, running above 6,500 cfs (1,700 cfs is considered safe for floating), and requires rescuing, the city could charge $1,000 for the first three hours of rescue time.
Any river rescues that occur when the river is running at a safer level, below 6,500 cfs, would not be charged for the rescue service.
Repeated false alarms due to faulty alarm systems or failure to properly operate an alarm system could also rack up a charge because it wastes emergency responders time and resources.
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