Wind power battles to stay an economic bright spot in Idaho | Environment | Idaho Statesman

Idaho wind developers were hit by a one-two punch this winter in their quest to renew a 6 percent sales tax rebate they say has helped create hundreds of jobs and millions of dollars in tax revenues.

First, the Idaho Tax Commission said the tax rebate was going to add some $47 million to the projected budget shortfall. (That turned out to be wrong.)

Then, earlier this month, the Idaho Public Utilities Commission placed a de facto moratorium on wind and solar projects after Idaho Power Co. and other major utilities said big companies were abusing a rule that aimed to help small power producers.

Both presented challenges for a coalition of renewable energy companies to keep the rebate that sunsets June 30.

But with wind and solar developers, dairy farmers, the Idaho Cattle Association, the Idaho Farm Bureau, cooperative power utilities and Micron Technology behind them, the coalition is still standing — and still fighting for the break.



Rocky Barker: 377-6484

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