January 29, 2011 MOA Background

For a preview of Mystery Primates Worldwide, check out 'Larva' (first play starts around 5:30; 'Blind to Rhythm' will air this coming Saturday), and don't miss Poppa Joe's 'Bronco Nation' (fps~ 14:30). Frankly, you don't wanna miss Modern Skirts' 'Happy 81' or Hezekiah Jones' 'Mind Malaise', either. It was a good music week. :)

I liked a YouTube video: Watch live Saturday nights on cable channel 11 in the Boise area or on-line at http://bit.ly/9Y1PGm and give us a call between 10 and 11PM MT. The number is 1-208-343-1100. (There is an approximately 30-second delay on the web feed.)

Posted via email from Moments of Awareness
