Josh Groban Sings Hilarious Kanye West Tweets on Jimmy Kimmel - TIME NewsFeed

Musician Josh Groban arrives for the Mus

Musician Josh Groban. ROBYN BECK/AFP/Getty Images

And here we thought Kanye's tweets couldn't get any more dramatic.

On Monday, Josh Groban appeared on Jimmy Kimmel to promote his we-wish-it-was-real album--an operatic rendition of Kanye West's Twitter feed. If you thought Kanye's absurd, overtly-materialistic, self-congratulatory and ultimately amazing tweets were awesome before, wait until you hear Groban's version of them.

Much like the time Christopher Walken solemnly read the lyrics of "Poker Face", there's just something supremely awesome about hearing a snippet of pop culture in an unexpected way.

(More on See TIME's Q&A with Josh Groban)

Sure, statements like "Classical music is tight yo" and "I make awesome decisions in bike stores" are hilarious when they pop up in our Twitter feed. But when they are sung to us in Groban's Grammy-nominated tenor? Unreal.

Also, who knew Josh Groban was so funny? (via Buzzfeed)

Posted via email from Peace Jaway