Assertiveness in Relationships

Most of the time, when peo­ple think of the term self care they think of bub­ble baths, get­ting a mas­sage or for those who have strug­gled with food and body image, exer­cise and eat­ing well are the first to come to mind. And while all of those things are impor­tant, good self care runs much deeper than the things that typ­i­cally come to mind. Not only should you be tak­ing care of your­self phys­i­cally but you should also be mak­ing sure that your inner most needs are being met. This is what I call pri­mary self care and build­ing assertive­ness in rela­tion­ships is a really impor­tant aspect of this essen­tial form of self care. Not only is it impor­tant for your own self care, it is also impor­tant for main­tain­ing healthy relationships.


Assertive­ness in Rela­tion­ships

Build­ing assertive­ness in rela­tion­ships is a strug­gle for many peo­ple. It can be caused by low self esteem or a parental rela­tion­ship that didn’t allow you to talk about your needs or feel­ings. You may also feel the need to please oth­ers or have a fear of not being accepted or liked. You may also fear as com­ing across as aggres­sive or rude. How­ever, not using your voice can lead you to be taken advan­tage of or cre­ate anx­i­ety and feel­ings of worthlessness.

While it may make some uncom­fort­able to begin with, in most cases, stand­ing up for your­self by being more assertive will cre­ate trust and respect between your friends, fam­ily, co-workers and even strangers. The most impor­tant part about [...]

Full article at

Love it. Thanks, Julie! :)

Posted via email from Peace Jaway
