Energy of the Day

Active self-promotion is the logical next step in starting a business, especially via written mediums, and our best results come from writing with the hopes and wishes of our families and friends in mind. The energy of the past and what comes forward with us from it informs the ideals we hold in our homes and the emotional cycles upon which we find reason to act in a material sense, although we feel blocked from doing so. Where we can't get done what we'd like to do, the next best course of action is to nurture who and what we can so that when the obstacles are removed we and they are stable and ready to move forward.

Four of Swords | Jupiter (in Cancer in the Eleventh) in Libra (activating Moon Conjunct {a} Mars {Conjunct [a]} & Vesta {&} Ceres Conjunct {a} North Node in the Second) | Jupiter Square (s) Vesta & Ceres & (a) North Node

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