Energy of the Day

Ladies, the things we give up today for the sake of our own overall self-improvement help bridge an emotional gap between ourselves and our partners as it opens our eyes to things we hadn't previously understood about their dreams and motivations. We're all having a hard time communicating about technologies we've been researching for work under this energy, but friction is relieved and luck is bolstered by taking a moment to reflect on what it is about our careers that's important to us on a personal level. Training undertaken now is made most beneficial by relaxing into the flow of what it is we want to accomplish and focusing on what we hope to leave behind when we're finished.

Queen of Swords | Water of Air | Virgo (activating Pallas in the First) Opposite (s) Moon & (a) Neptune (both in Pisces in the Seventh)/Square (a) Sun (in Gemini in the Tenth)/Semisquare (a) Jupiter & Lilith (in Cancer in the Twelfth) & Vesta & Ceres (both Rx) & Sextile (s) North Node (all in Libra in the Third)/Trine (s) South Node (in Aries...) & Midheaven (in Taurus...) (... both in the Ninth)

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