Energy of the Day

[I got Dude an upgrade to his Anime Studio software for his birthday and it came with a starter version of Poser 10 that he had to download plus he worked down the road yesterday and today, so he's a little behind on the EotD animations. He's workin' on today's now, tomorrow's might be a little out of sync 'cause there are two and he'll probably be workin' with Mark again Monday, so please bear with us while we get back up to speed. Eot* is always available here at MOA's Blogger blog as of 1:00AM and animations will follow if they're not already posted. :) ~Peace]

Our spiritual energy feels purified, renewed, and regenerated through the various ways we've found to make our dreams come true while supporting and enlarging our wider worlds. Keeping calm while dealing with cyclic emotionally-charged family matters supports healthy intestinal function and gives us an opportunity to work on improving both our individual self-perception and the way in which we connect with others. Committing to ideals and submitting to wise (I repeat, wise) beliefs is the recommended course of action here for those seeking to accomplish career goals.

Moments of Awareness, LLC
