Intercontinental Ballistic Microfinance

Intercontinental Ballistic Microfinance

Check out this trippy data visualization Kiva did of more than 5 years and $200 million in microlending:

Intercontinental Ballistic Microfinance from Kiva Microfunds on Vimeo.

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This entry was posted by bob on September 3, 2011 at 10:37 am, and is filed under Kiva and Microfinance, The 1st Int'l Bank of Bob. Follow any responses to this post through RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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I love Kiva. I put in $50 four years ago, I've made eight $25 dollar loans (which are then repaid and I reloan the same money), and I think it's the future in many ways, not just in third-world countries but for entrepreneurs of all flavors everywhere. (I also love Kickstarter's similar concept.) I've never looked into the teams aspect before, and I'm glad I happened to just now when 'Friends of Bob Harris' is prominently displayed. He's one guy with some talent and money who decided to put both to good use. I can get behind that. Go Kiva, go Team Bob, and go 'positive vibes'. :)

Posted via email from Moments of Awareness
