Just a Gripe

So the Idaho Statesman has banned me from posting comments on their site. If you read the Statesman and you've seen the posts they allow, and if you know anything about me at all, you know that whatever their reason - they haven't responded to my asking why they've banned me - it isn't because I broke any of their rules for posting. I didn't. I posted there the way I post everywhere, with a reasonable degree of respect and decorum, a total of maybe five times (at least two of which were merely to offer condolences to families who'd lost members through tragedies) since frankly the conversations they do allow don't fill one with much desire to get involved. It's not worth bein' pissed about - obviously they're as biased and subjective as they've been accused of being over the years (accusations against which I've defended them both publicly and privately), and not worth the energy it would take to care on a personal level - but it disturbs me that a local 'news' publication is so blatantly against real, productive conversation regarding the stories it posts and that they think shutting me up on their site will shut me up in general. (Like THAT'll ever happen. :D) Makes me wanna know who makes their decisions and what the larger agenda might be. Or maybe someone 'flagged' me because they're a pissy little bitch who can't handle fact-based discussions or opinions that differ from their own and they don't have the balls to tell me to my face they didn't like what I had to say, and maybe the Statesman just decided to act on that without checking the facts, who knows. Either way, disappointing behavior, unworthy of any real news organization (or any mature adult human being). Just sayin'.

Posted via email from Moments of Awareness
