Speak up for the Smoky and Pioneer Mountains

From: Brett Stevenson, ICL
Date: Wed, Sep 7, 2011 at 5:01 PM

Idaho Conservation League
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Idaho Conservation League Alert

Thank goodness for public comment periods—our opportunity to weigh in on important decisions that affect our public lands.

Travel Planning in the Smoky and Pioneer Mountains

The Smokies and Pioneers comprise some of the most unique and diverse wildlife habitat in Idaho, making these mountain ranges fabulous areas for hiking, camping and hunting.

Idaho is growing fast—adding the equivalent of a new Boise and a new Pocatello in the past 10 years. We need to plan ahead so that we can maintain our quiet, natural areas. 

Until October 14, the Bureau of Land Management is asking the public to comment on the North Highway 20 Travel Management Plan. This plan, which will guide recreational use in the Smoky and Pioneer Mountains of Central Idaho for years to come, includes much of this area. 

How Can You Help? It's Easy!

Submit comments now to help protect big, natural areas and reduce damage to soil and water quality while still maintaining a variety of recreational opportunities.

There's plenty of opportunity for all on well-managed public lands!

Take action to help make a difference!


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An Email From
Brett Stevenson

 Because You Love Idaho

Biking in the Pioneers

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Idaho Conservation League
PO Box 2671
Ketchum, Idaho 83340

Posted via email from Moments of Awareness
