What We Do - Worldcrunch - All News is Global

The Mission

Worldcrunch delivers the best global journalism previously shut off from English language readers: selecting, translating and editing content from top foreign-language outlets.

The Method

The most relevant foreign-language stories are produced in English by Worldcrunch staff and contributors around the globe, deployed to react quickly to breaking events and find the best content in the international media. We are also creating a platform, Crunch It!, to build a community of newshounds who will flag and help translate interesting stories from both mainstream media outlets and blogs, as well as produce stories of their own.

The Vision

With Worldcrunch, the great untapped resource of foreign-language news and information is hereby available. By combining professional journalistic standards with the energy of the web's flock of curious readers, writers and translators -- and building a framework for copyright access and distribution -- we create a whole new well of top-shelf news content from the best sources covering the world today. And our vision for the future? Worldcrunch will be the virtual square where language barriers fade, and a new brand of global journalism is born.

Posted via email from Moments of Awareness
