LiveMind - About LiveMind
This. Is. Awesome. It's an early incarnation of what's possible with on-line classrooms and may have failings, I don't know, haven't looked around much yet, but this is where education has to go, with all things available to all people, everybody learning things and teaching things (since that's really the best way to learn), letting people with good ideas rise on their own merit, letting people whose ideas are unsound fall by the wayside by the same token (and then of course helping them get up if they're willing and understand points they may be missing), letting people learn at their own pace in subjects that interest them, making available all the subjects to which that interest will lead if it's fostered, supporting interaction between people of all ages and at all skill levels, accommodating people of all learning styles, and paying people to disseminate their knowledge, because knowledge is power, not only on a personal level but a social one. It's fantastic idea, right up there with MIT's Open CourseWare. Love it.
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