How Better Tweeting Builds Staff Engagement

Yahoo’s release of Twitter usage statistics, reported earlier this week by Mathew Ingram, presents some interesting pointers for organizations striving to build strong social media presences.

The research focused on the ways influence is established through Twitter, hinting at which user categories are the most popular, as well as which provide value, and how.

While businesses can apply this information to tweak their interactions with clients, customers and the public via Twitter, the research points to much more than that: It implies that greater benefits are available to companies that use Twitter to actively engage with their own team members: companies that stop seeing Twitter as an outward-focused medium, and customers as a separate audience from staff.

A Culture of Public Collaboration

How many of your staff members actively follow — that is, engage with — your company’s Twitter feed? How many staff members’ Twitter accounts are actively followed (or engaged with) by your company’s Twitter feed?


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