Growing pains for the 30th Street area in Boise | Transportation | Idaho Statesman

The city of Boise has big plans to create a new neighborhood between the Boise River and State Street, piggybacking on the Ada County Highway District’s plan to make 30th a through street that would provide access to the city’s new whitewater park and two other riverside parks.

But the city and ACHD have hit a minor roadblock on how to handle access for some of the homes fronting the new 30th Street extension.

The conflict created some fireworks at a recent City Council meeting, but officials say the matter can be worked out.

“This is solvable and very doable,” said Jade Riley, Mayor Dave Bieter’s chief of staff.

The plan for the 30th Street extension calls for widening Rose Street, which now deadends near the river. It would become five lanes with sidewalks and bike lanes from State Street, just east of the Idaho Department of Transportation headquarters. The [...]


Cynthia Sewell: 377-6428

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