Valentine Yin Yoga & Holotropic Breathing

Sunday, February 13 at 2:00-4:00pm
$20 per person
Join Steve Ross as he leads you through a
2-hour Yin Yoga and Meditation class. 
Stretch your hips and open your heart in time for Valentine's Day!
The class will be made up of poses done on the floor. 
The long hold poses will stretch out tight muscles and 
access meredians to help your energy flow.
No loud music
No sweat
Ends with a meditation and a nice long savasana.
The perfect and peaceful compliment to your regular flow practice.

Sunday, February 13 at 8PM 
$20 per person
Open your heart in time for Valentine's day 
and treat yourself to a mind expanding experience.
Let Steve help you access non-ordinary deep states
of consciousness and breathe yourself into ecstasy.
Wear comfortable clothing and please join us with an empty stomach and an open mind.

Maha Yoga
13050 San Vicente Blvd - Second Floor - Los Angeles, CA 90049

Posted via email from Moments of Awareness
