Exercise Tips to Keep You Motivated - Motivational Exercise Tips and Reminders
Whether you're just starting exercise or you've been at it for awhile, there will come a time when you want to give up. It's at this moment, when you doubt yourself, when you stare at the scale and wonder why it doesn't move faster, that you need to dig deep to keep going.
One way to do that is with a motivational pep talk. Sure, pep talks are a little cheesy, but what you say to yourself in these moments is critical to keep you going. These exercise tips and reminders will keep you from giving up on your fitness and weight loss goals.
1. This Will Get Easier –The first time my client *Jenny did a pushup, she did one, collapsed to the floor and gasped, " Worst. Exercise. Ever." I'm pretty sure she said that the second time and the third, but what she forgot was one important fact: This will get easier.
It doesn't feel that way in the beginning, but every time you do those killer exercises - pushups, lunges, squats - you're building stronger muscles. This happens secretly and in a way the scale won't recognize, but know that deep in your body[...]
Thanks, Julie! Good stuff, especially, "... Too often, we lock ourselves into a workout routine, regardless of whether we're actually enjoying it. Remember, you don't have to do things you hate and exercise shouldn't be miserable", and "...You only have to find enough motivation for today's workout. When tomorrow comes, you'll find motivation for that one too."
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