[update for all links (February 4, 2104):
MOA T & A Glossary]
Put your head up quick! If you keep on at last month’s pace you’ll run straight into a brick wall. Everything that needs to get done will, but there’s likely to be a need for careful and creative communication and a whole lot of patience, especially after Sunday the 27th. Call those people who weren’t quite ready last time around and plant the seeds of your ideas again, but take a moment to consider your attitude and responses. Try on a few creative approaches you see as possible within present limitations, but expect to take them back to the drawing board once or a few times. You know you’ve got something good; it just needs a little time and care to come to fruition.
So, now that life is taking on a reasonable pace again, are you ready to sprout? Put forth your tendrils abundantly, watch where they take root, and follow up on those interactions. What falls away will either wither and die or lie dormant a while and come back later so your present effort is best spent where there appears to be the most imminent and assured profit. Your brand of intuition comes in handy here – you can sense a concrete deal. Take care in acting, but take advantage of opportunity as well. (You sometimes outwait it; patience is a virtue until it turns to stubbornness or listlessness.) Act on that secret desire to put some daisies in your hair (and/or a few decorative touches around your living and working spaces). The lift it brings your spirits will make all your dealings run more smoothly and beneficially.
Taurus energy either weighs you down or passes by nearly all unnoticed, but odds are good you’ll be feelin’ it this year, a bit tongue-tied and ‘slow’ (which is the term you use to describe a speed most of us would call at least moderately fast, well as you may sometimes hide it). Nobody will notice if you take a little more time in speaking than you sometimes do, and doing so is likely to save you a good deal of petty difficulty. Have you said everything that needs saying? Does what you’re about to say apply and need to be said? Most of the time speech is your friend but for the next little while it may feel awkward and annoyingly uncooperative. Let things gestate in your mind a bit and your words will be more productive in the long run.
This is a fairly nice time for you, provided your body is in good condition. Take care of yourself and get enough rest. You’re careful in your communications anyway; that will get you through Mercury’s retrograde period largely unscathed although there’s likely to be a good deal of frustration with computers and all their trimmings. Get it out through activity rather than letting it seep into your voice or words. You may mean no ill, but in uncertain times it’s prudent to keep the risk of being misunderstood to a minimum. Breathe for a moment before speaking. The saying, “Speak in haste, repent in leisure,” applies here; what’s planted in Taurus, especially this Taurus, will come back time and again over years. You have a gift for using this sort of energy in a positive fashion; now’s the time to let it shine.
Well. Here we are in the sign of the Bull, those interminable days between the beginning and fruition. You may find yourself feeling bubbly and broody by turns, filled to bursting with ideas but blocked in implementing them. It’s always worth taking advantage of ‘off’ time to proof papers, check that our design is finished, (in the bubblier moments) make those phone calls that have been on the back burner. Be sure and take the time you need to enjoy the change of season and whatever refreshes you most or you’ll lose some of that shiny Leonine luster and it’ll show even in your voice. This can be a productive month if the restrictions don’t get in your way.
If it feels like maybe you oughtn’t say it, wait a bit even if doing so means a moment of awkward silence. Another way will present itself that better suits your needs. Also, have patience with technological devices and give yourself plenty of driving time. Otherwise, enjoy what ought to be a fruitful and abundant month. Let yourself settle a bit, take advantage of this energy to get organized and prioritized. Look for areas where you might benefit from lightening your load. Update contact lists, refresh promising connections, practice any speeches and prepared responses to polished perfection. Enunciation is important – think details, details, details (so long as they’re not driving you up a wall). Enjoy sensual pleasures this month.
Your naturally cheery nature is extremely useful in this energy in keeping things light and dispelling awkward conversational moments. Keep a little distance from topics in which you’re heavily invested, unless a new perspective on an old idea is brought to you by a Taurus, Virgo or Scorpio (but wait on major decisions until after about the 23rd of May). Proceed quickly but not with haste. Give folks a moment to put words to their thoughts; what you learn may be just what you need to know. Seek to strengthen what’s already strong rather than spending much time looking for new approaches this month. Keep a hand and an eye on what’s steady in your life and work from there as you approach new interactions.
Hmph. Sometimes it feels like you’re talking to a bunch of brick walls. Well, sometimes you are. Try coming at it from the opposite side. Taurus energy turns everything around for you and M-R turns it upside down for everyone. It’s a good time to reevaluate your approaches; everything’s so topsy-turvy any changes you make will be less noticeable and as always your instinct will draw you to something others just haven’t quite thought of or figured out how to implement. When a deal starts going south, try something that almost invariably doesn’t work for you. This month it just might.
:) Can you help it if you’re golden? The glow is unusually bright and warm in Taurus, even by your (already bright and warm) standards. If people seem exceptionally accommodating, this is the time to kick back and enjoy it (although it always pays to be cautious of the overly-solicitous); it’s just the energy of the Bull paying respect to the energy of the Centaur. Take advantage of heightened interest to share some of your tips and techniques with those less experienced than yourself. Lead by example in interactions; actively set the tone and tempo of conversations and use the (especially body) language you’d like to see and hear mirrored.
This is comfortable energy for you, if a bit slow and staid. Those have never been things you minded much, little restrictions, and while your patience takes a different form than that of Taurus, you possess plenty of it so you’re pretty okay with waiting, too. Even Mercury’s retrograde doesn’t really phase you, since you connect with life on a different level than most of us. You’re careful enough with words anyway, understanding innately as you do the laws of cause and effect. Plant your seeds this month; connect with folks you’ve been considering contacting for a while but haven’t previously. As you’re well aware, the harvest will come in due time.
Patience you understand, but standing around idly drives you up a wall. This ‘chewing the cud’ thing doesn’t really do it for you, but you find yourself stalled in the energy anyway. Whaddya say since we’re all here we just make the best of it. Your potent, energized outlook is just what we all need to keep focus in the midst of upheaval. Those off-the-cuff statements you make will either be reaching their mark with particular clarity and immediacy, or bouncing off nearly entirely without effect (but with the ever-present potential for ricochet, care remains a good idea). Cut your losses; when you know you’re not getting anywhere, make your way through the conversation as quickly as is graciously possible, exit it with expediency and get on with the next thing.
You don’t mind the slowdown, so long as it doesn’t insist you stop moving altogether. Pace yourself and things will flow fairly smoothly, or of course you can move about in fits and starts and get more of a white-water effect if that’s your thing. J Either way, this is a restful, cleansing time for you unless you get sullied and burdened down by issues and challenges. It is indeed sometimes a difficult thing to swim all the way to that goal, but if you give it a moment’s thought you know it’s well worth it. When you want to scream, remember that a smile can mean a million things and channel all that energy into creating the result you want.
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