Energy of the Month

Well, of course it's difficult to miss the conjunction between today's military action and the Sun's [update for all links (February 4, 2104): MOA T & A Glossary] movement into the sign ruled by Mars, the planet named for the Roman god of war and agriculture, and we may find ourselves asking, "Just what crops are we planting?" Any Cap(ricorn) will tell us we reap what we sow. Fortunately, Aries is the sign of ego, personality, self, the 'I Am', aware that our effect is individual, and that it is our individual efforts that culminate in our co-created world. The view from here is simple enough - single-minded, focused (although that focus is susceptible to change at any given moment). All we need to do is see clearly where it is we want to be and become it in any given moment. Tomorrow's not important; following the mind through the spirit in this moment manifests the body that will be, as energy follows the conduits of our thought and consciousness into reality. The Ram understands this at a very basic level. Let this Sun time awaken you to what you know and what you feel, understanding that those things are what you have been, what you are and what you will be. It's of interest to note that the target of today's strikes, made by one of the youngest nations on Earth, is home to one of her oldest civilizations (in recently-recorded history, here's more info: Iraq). We're striking at our head, a very Aries thing to do (being as it is, The Ram). :-> This is worth doing from time to time for all of us, a little 'head-banging' if you will, as it tests the soundness of those things we're building as well as our foothold, and helps break down those things which are weak and no longer worth maintaining (and so long as we don't bang too hard and knock ourselves out or worse, it gets the creative juices flowing; look at how much many of us have refined our ideas for creating peace and all that comes with it in contemplating the action currently taking place). This is a fun energy, 'though for some it can be a bit hot and active. Aries, Leo and Sag would do well to be considerate now while taking advantage of the freedom you feel. Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn might want to relax, be sure and take appropriate rest, and let the warmth of spring move into you. (In the Southern Hemisphere Aries fire, akin to lightning, quick-dries and prepares for dormancy, purifying the being as it prepares to settle into the season of gestation through which it will slowly absorb life again.) Gemini, Libra and Aquarius can enjoy the purifying, stirring effects of this month's energy, bringing new ideas and burning off old ones; beware allowing yourself to become consumed, or polluted with the detritus of what you find difficult to release. Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are stimulated and yet left a bit flat this month. Seek balance and maintain whatever distance is necessary from that which arouses your passion in order to maintain your coherence and sparkle. This is a freshening energy in any part of the world. Even in the midst of confusion and upheaval, may it be a new start for us all on the path to seeking our fulfillment, as individuals, communities and nations - perhaps one day in the not-too-distant future as one world among many.
