Energy of the Month


[update for all links (February 4, 2104): MOA T & A Glossary]

Alright, Aries, as the Sun moves into your sign on March 20th it’s important to remember that while you are indeed the most important person in the Universe, the rest of us live here too. :) Lightning strikes twice this month everywhere you go, and while it’s energizing and awakening, it can also be awfully intense for those who perhaps find it difficult to relate to your vibrant enthusiasm. Recent energy has been quite frustrating, perhaps even unfortunate for you. Maintain a disciplined mind and use this time of mild chaos to reevaluate your finances and any situations in which you are of service, at work, at home, or elsewhere. Around April 4th look for the winds of change to begin blowing in your favor for a while.


As your Aries neighbor is getting his or her groove on after the 20th, you find yourself feeling charred and superheated by turns. The charge you’re feeling now can be utilized as an organizing principle or it can impel you into disorder, thus it’s an excellent month for renewing such practices as prayer, meditation, exercise, study, whatever it is you do to seek and maintain your center. If you have no such habits this is a terrific time to try on a few and see what you might enjoy; physical routines are always good for you, such as yoga, dance, tennis, aerobics and weightlifting, biking, roller-blading, anything that connects you with your senses and your self. At the very least, take a few moments now and again to sit in the meadow (or your yard or a local park) and settle. And drink plenty of water; proper hydration is especially important for you this time of year.


This is quite a good month for you, Gem, very active and electric, crackling with potential energy. You’re like the air before a thunderstorm after March 20th, heady and palpable. You’ll speak your ideas with an unusual weightiness this month, and in many cases you’ll see them have a near-immediate effect. Be careful what you put out there though; the tongue is a double-edged sword that can cut both ways. Wielded well it yields the most beautiful carvings, but toss it about carelessly and you run the risk of doing real damage. Keep an eye out for long-term effects, but when the price looks right in that light don’t hesitate to communicate your thoughts to appropriate parties. Flashiness works for you; get in, speak your mind, and get out. Channel and utilize the flow without trying to control it.


Perhaps now isn’t the time to get in the water, Cancer. In fact, to whatever degree you’re able, you may be best off finding a nice rock to settle under after the 20th. It’s just for a month, as things’ll chill out when the Sun moves into Taurus in late April. At the very least, prepare to sit back and reign in your impulses a bit, lest all this enthusiastic energy takes you somewhere you don’t want to be. (You know how you hate being where you wish you weren’t. :) ) Your usual sensitivity becomes volatile and pointed under the Aries Sun, and as much as the world often feels unjust to you, meting that injustice back out to others only ever serves to make you feel worse. Give yourself time to gauge the situation before reacting this month. Feeling is what you do best; it’ll get you right to where you do want to be, and you know how you love being there. :)


Leo, Leo, Leo… Sheathe your claws and keep those fangs in your mouth, unless they’re showing through that incredible magnetic smile of yours. Energy ramps up around March 20th, and around the 4th of April your frustrated fortune begins to take a turn for the better. You know you’re the ruler of all you survey; others will know it too provided you take this opportunity to serve proactively. (A leader’s position is, after all, primarily one of service.) As you demonstrate your prowess, appropriate recognition comes rolling in. You may however be hotter than many can handle right now. If the folks around you start looking burnt-out and haggard it’s time to tone it down a little and make sure you’re in touch with their needs. A flash of that brilliant smile will probably help, but take the time to see to it that you’re reaching the minds and hearts of your group as well. Helping (but not forcing) them to meet you where you are is in everybody’s best interests.


You find yourself chewing on rather gritty bits of life after the 20th, but there’s little you enjoy more than the chance to unravel a conundrum and then figure out how to put it to good use. Be sure to get plenty of rest though and you, like Taurus, would benefit muchly in this energy from some form of (especially physical) centering technique. You may be prone to giving too much this month; if you experience unusual stomach upset or nervous symptoms, look into scaling back. Fortunately, there’s plenty to occupy your active mind, which will, if you let it, keep you from the excess worry to which you’re sometimes prone. Take care of you first; let others bring you opportunity and then prioritize carefully. It’ll all get done as well as you’re used to doing things.


While you’re generally a team player, you move into a period of independent and highly impetuous energy around the 20th of this month. There’s great potential to be had here, but it’ll be a good idea to let the ideas flow in, then retain them for a bit, take some time to weigh them and discover that balance to which you’re naturally drawn before putting them out into the world. Your own mind becomes your closest partner in this time, and rightfully so; otherwise you’ll find this energy frustrating and lonely. This is a good time to utilize your unique ability to draw opposites, and when you have an impulse to consider carefully whether, at least for now, it might be a good idea to do just what you normally wouldn’t. This is not to say that it will be best to oppose yourself, but that in considering it carefully you’re likely to find a third course of action, likely to be more attractive and realistic than either of the others.


In an odd way, you begin to feel like you’re on top of the world around the 20th. Everyone’s watching you, and somehow you don’t mind so much this month. It doesn’t hurt that people are being unusually accommodating, which softens your edges just a little but leaves you no less clear. That which you receive is put forth again greatly multiplied and everyone wants to know how you do it. You’d tell them if you could, but the mystery of you is such that no one would understand even if there were words to describe. You’re more than happy to try though in this self-expressive energy, just be tolerant with the rest of us mere mortals. Your window to the mysteries of life is much clearer than most can claim, and your perspective enriches us even if we can’t always grasp it.


It’ll be nice after the 20th to feel like your feet are on the ground again. It’s all well and good to go the ocean, but you’re not overly fond of feeling all adrift. The value of the energy that’s seemed to hold you back from realizing some valuable thoughts and manifestations since early December will begin to clear around the 4th of April and you’ll find yourself moving forward by leaps and bounds. Be careful with the arrows of your words this month. You’re feeling so good it may be difficult to notice that others are feeling a bit squirmy as you pierce to the heart of matters. Think about what you’re saying and to whom you’re saying it, and when it sounds like something you’d accept from that person if your positions were reversed, go ahead and put it out there. You know you mean well; make sure those around you know it too.


:) Well, it gets a little annoying after the 20th, everybody bein’ silly and kickin’ up their heels. Don’t we understand there’s work to be done? Yes we do, Cap, and we thank you for helping us to remember not to neglect the necessities. When things are at a place that they can take care of themselves for a bit, we hope you’ll join us for an energetic party. We’ve been told you’re a bit curmudgeonly, but that’s not true at all. You just like, if you’re going to relax, to be able to really relax with nothing nagging at the back of your mind or looming over your shoulder. If we’ll just remember this and let your energy guide us to a reasonable compleation before we cut loose, we’ll all have a better time and you’ll have every right to feel smug and satisfied. :)


Now here’s some energy that brings you stimulation and light, two of your favorite things. You begin around the 20th to feel clear and energized, if a little more headstrong than usual, or maybe it’s more like someone gave you a kick in the posterior. Either way, you find yourself getting a move on and liking it. You may find your feelings spilling over a little more often than usual, but it oughtn’t be too messy or cause any lasting difficulty provided it doesn’t throw you too far off center. Let your natural inertia keep you from stepping out too quickly in the grip of this unusual impetuousness. Remember your long-term goals and weigh thoughts and ideas in light of them before acting. Life is essentially good this month, even in the midst of chaos.


Time to wake up. The dreaming is over on the 20th, and it’s time to start bringing those dreams into reality. Yes, I know, all this dashing about making things happen is exhausting, but fortunately you know it’s worth it. Nobody closes a deal quite like Pisces, but it’d be nice if there weren’t all this process involved in getting there. Aries energy reminds you that there must be a beginning to reach that happy ending. Fortunately you’re well aware of where it all begins and perfectly capable of working through process if your Universe is going to insist upon it (which is not to say you won’t gripe about it a little here and there :) ). Seek your passions under this energy; see what really draws and motivates you and use those forces to keep the process as interesting as it’s going to be. And hang in there, things will settle. :)