2 Roofers Roofing!
Except today, when the roofers came to fix the big dent left by the tree that fell on our roof around 10:30PM on March 11, 2015. Zach has a novel approach to steeply-inclined roofs like ours - he uses climbing gear to maneuver around roofs with high peaks and varying landscapes - and he and John work together well to make the job look easy.
They adapted to a surprise midway through the job when they discovered the old shingle roof had been left in place. It was a surprise that anyone had ever used a shingle roof up here in the first place, frankly, but I remembered a stash of old shingles someone left in the 'back room' on the outhouse that we never knew what they were for. Indeed, they were leftovers from the original roofing job and gave the guys plenty of material to replace the shingles they had to take out to replace the broken part of the plywood underlay.
See, I told ya our outhouse is fancy-shmancy, two holes and a back room! You'll be glad to know, if you didn't see the broadcast from April 29th, the Davey Tree guys were able to get it set back up where it used to stand and brace it with parts from the steps. (There was no other place to put it. Couldn't really even roll it down the hill.) The tree that fell on the 11th that made the dent these guys were repairing today took out those steps that are now helping to shore up the footing of the outhouse, and had the initial tree not fallen I wouldn't've thought to ask the Davey guys if the tree the outhouse was leaning against was a threat to the power line, which it was, which put it under their purview to bring down, which they're equipped to do safely.
And an aside, that first tree (the fifth we've had come down on it's own in a way that affected our home, the first four all having come down our first spring here, and again those too mostly spared us too much damage) landed within inches of the septic overflow pipe, the vent pipe, and the tank cover, missing on the way down both my hummingbird feeder and the side bridge. People have been known to call us lucky, because - knock on Grandma's antique desk - things tend to go generally well for us, even things that very easily might not. I like to think of it instead as the result of our constant challenge to the Universe, "It can't get any better than this." Prove us wrong, Universe. :)
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