Energy of the Day

Financial restrictions and issues affecting the hands, arms, shoulders, and lungs are making it difficult to express ourselves in the way we'd like to be perceived. We want to withdraw, and the place we're best off going is home, to those who feel like family in the love and wisdom they offer. It won't relieve the sense of being in limbo, but they're the people most likely right now to share thoughts on workable ways to relieve the pecuniary pressure.

Men - yes, you again :) - hold to an objective, mindful perspective today, avoid conflict, and work at clearing up any outstanding legal matters. We'd all do well to make an effort at getting ahead of the game as the playing field is changing in ways that will allow for greater clarity in time, but not without some upheaval first. Meaningful individual contributions to the whole can best be made by communicating personal spiritual motivations in creative ways, especially to intimate partners.

There's an opportunity here to let our psychological cycles drive our physical ambitions in ways that support the fulfillment of our own dreams, but that same opportunity creates obstacles between us and those with whom we're enchanted. We must remain impartial in the choices we make under this energy and balance carefully what's worth bringing forward with what's best for us overall. Intelligent actions will speak far more loudly than emotional words.

Moments of Awareness, LLC
