Summer 2013 Photos
An interesting thing about these caddisfly larvae, which are the black and white bits clinging to the wood here: Those whose portable 'houses' are made of bits of wood and leaf debris (the black ones) are hanging mostly on the downstream side, and those of the larvae on the upstream side are mostly made of grains of sand.
Our original terrarium.
The paludarium, first arrangement: You can see two Pacific chorus frogs (erstwhile known as Pacific tree frogs) and a leopard slug on the large branch, and another frog sitting on top of a tiger swallowtail butterfly (too big for these guys and gals to eat, even with their ability to 'stretch to fit' food bigger than they are) between the two rocks in the center.
Thanks to Big Dude for bein' behind the camera that day and capturing some fun shots. :)
The paludarium, current arrangement: Leopard slugs are unique in their mating habit, suspending themselves, after a courtship of curling repeatedly around and 'licking' one another, from a high place on strings of particularly strong slime while they 'do the deed'.
Six frogs, one snail, two flies (froggies say, "Yum!"), and a bunch of harvestmen: There's a myth that harvestmen (the spider-lookin' things hangin' off the top) have the most deadly venom known to man but fangs too small to penetrate human skin. In fact, they have no venom at all, and are eaters of debris and leftovers of all kinds, assisting in the breakdown and removal of any kind of organic material. (Also, their sense organs are mostly in their legs, particularly the two long ones you'll often find them holding out in what looks like a threatening posture when really all they're saying is, "The better to see, hear, taste, and smell you with, my dear.")
And finally, Mom, Christmas pics are comin'. I realized I have half of 2013 on my camera's card, and I'm regretting that I didn't get more of the last few years uploaded before the RAID drive that held most of them failed, so I figured this was as good a time as any to share the highlights. It might take a couple days to get to the ones you're waitin' for, but they're on the way. :) Love ya!
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