Understanding What’s Up With the Higgs Boson | ScienceBlog.com

CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, will hold a seminar early in the morning on July 4 to announce the latest results from ATLAS and CMS, two major experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) that are searching for the Higgs boson. Both experimental teams are working down to the wire to finish analyzing their data, and to determine exactly what can be said about what they’ve found.

“We do not yet know what will be shown on July 4th,” says Ian Hinchliffe, a theoretical physicist in the Physics Division at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab), who heads the Lab’s participation in the ATLAS [...]

Full article at scienceblog.com

Also interesting, some of these particle impacts create temperatures hundreds of thousands of times hotter than the Sun. Where does all that heat go, I wonder, given that even if it only lasts a moment it's a discharge of energy taking place on the face of the planet (or just under it's surface, rather) that must be dissipated somehow.


Posted via email from Moments of Awareness
