Niyama Hot Yoga Classes

From: Maha Yoga
Date: Mon, Jan 9, 2012 at 5:40 PM

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Niyama Hot Yoga Classes with Mac McHugh

Every Saturday 6:00-7:30pm
Every Sunday 12:30-2:00pm

The Niyama Hot Yoga sequence was created by Mac McHugh at her successful Chicago yoga studios.
We are happy to welcome Mac to the Maha Yoga teaching schedule.

Niyama Hot Yoga is taught heated to 95-98 degrees and is suitable for first-time students as well as long-time practitioners.
Class begins with a one-hour slow warm-up of standing poses. There is an emphasis on core strength, twisting, standing forward folds and balance.
After the first hour, the focus shifts to front body opening through a series of gentle, chest-expanding back-bends.
During the final 15 minutes, quiet stretching is combined
with relaxation breathing.
Sequencing of each class is the same. Strength, stamina, and flexibility are built as students detoxify through sweating.
There are no arm balances, inversions, push-ups or
"down-dog" during this class.

Maha Yoga

Maha Yoga | 13050 San Vicente Blvd | Suite 202 | Los Angeles | CA | 90049

Posted via email from Moments of Awareness
