MOA Tonight

We listen to music and talk to people. Watch on cable channel 11 in the Boise area or on-line at Watch previous shows here, and check out the backgrounds here. Join us at MOA's Facebook page for discussion throughout the week. :)

This week MOA will be hosted by Stretch and Mr. Wizard, as we (Peace & the Dudes) will be at a friend's gingerbread-house-decorating party (to which we are all very much looking forward :)). The J's are comin' out from behind the glass curtain to show y'all what we love about 'em and why the show wouldn't be the same without 'em. :) We're hoping to watch, and hoping to get through and give a shout-out (we'll be watchin' on-line, which as you may know make a conversation interesting but often also confusing :)), and we'll miss y'all, but as much as we love our callers we love our neighbors, too, and we're lookin' forward to hangin' with them for a Saturday evening. Thanks, Jeff and Justin, and may you break your legs (but not literally, please ha ha). Can't wait to watch y'all rock it (or roll it, you know it works either way or any way it happens to come together :D). Party on, live in the now, be excellent to each other, and have an awesome time, everyone! :)

Band info at


Posted via email from Moments of Awareness
