BBC News - Public supports geo-engineering ideas, study suggests

Volcano from space
Injection of sulphate aerosols is designed to mimic the cooling effect of volcanic eruptions

There is strong support among the public in the US, UK and Canada for more research on geo-engineering technology, a study has suggested.

The survey focused on "solar radiation management", which involves reflecting energy from the Sun away from the Earth's surface, and received support from 72% of respondents.

The internet survey was commissioned by researchers from North America.


Full article at

As a member of 'the public', I'd like to go on record as sayin' I think it'd be best to leave well enough alone. The photo alone ought to be enough to remind us that at some point (probably in the not-too-distant future) there'll be plenty of naturally-occurring sulfates up there to cool things down. Nature's cyclical, and what goes up comes down, including the temperature. :)

Posted via email from Moments of Awareness
