Reversing the Erosion of Civil Liberties

Editor’s Note: The U.S. public’s fear after the 9/11 attacks enabled the Bush administration to dismantle many of the civil-liberties safeguards that had been developed in reaction to disclosures in the 1970s of government assaults on dissent and freedom of speech.

As many Americans embraced the illusion of “perfect security” – even at the cost of their freedoms – government agencies stepped in with ambitious “counterterrorism” programs that soon were targeting innocent citizens, a problem that former FBI officer Coleen Rowley says must now be addressed:

Who has not yet awoken to the fact that we have been sailing since the 9/11 attacks into a perfect storm? Here are just some of the turbulent winds blowing and pushing officials in the wrong direction:


--Politicians who constantly stoke the fear of terrorism while forcing underling officials to promise they can protect the public by “pre-empting” all threats (hyped and un-hyped);


Full article at

This article was posted as part of a Facebook conversation Lauryn Pithey brought up. (Thanks, Charles!) It's always gone on, but we don't have to continue to let it.

Posted via email from Peace Jaway
