Weekly Horoscope, May 14-20, 2006

Please be sure to check the reading date, as postings will be made early much of the time. Current readings will always be posted at MOA. [updated link (February 1, 2014): MOA Eot*]

The week gets off to a fiery start as Sag's Moon forms a lucky trine with Leo's Saturn just after midnight Sunday morning MDT. The Taurus Sun continues to offer stability and weight to life's dealings, but at most other levels today's energy is largely fire tempered by water. The result is a day of spiritual and emotional renewal. At about 8:30 AM there's a bit of upheaval concerning our idealism and recent optimism toward homey affairs, but a steady approach will bring us through it with positive effect. In the later afternoon things begin to feel a bit blocked but if we take care in our words and keep travel to a minimum this too will bring us to a larger playing field by day's end.

Monday continues in much the same vein. This day is busy and larger than life, full of growth, expansion, and opportunities to be seized. There is the risk of overheating a bit around 3:30 AM, and just before a quarter to 11:00 there's a mild sense of friction. These things will pass fairly quickly; we'd do well not to let them get us down. Following a burst of Sag fire as she conjuncts retrograde Pluto at 1:16 PM, the Moon goes void of course until she enters Capricorn at 7:59 PM. During this time it's a good idea to focus mainly on things that have no beginning and no end, e.g. spiritual pursuits and mundane household tasks, or to work on things that we'd like to see come to an end so long as it's alright that they simply fizzle out without much if any lasting effect. We may as well allow this attitude to carry on through the evening, as there's not much going on astrologically until a minor barrier arises right near a quarter after 11:00 as our suddenly pragmatic emotional state gets in the way of manifesting that which we're meant to leave behind.

And then comes Tuesday. It starts off funky and stays that way most of the day. It's a good time to sit down with the things that need to be done to further our lots in life and just do them, skate through the friction and agitation that characterize most of this day's energy and let the bothersome stuff roll off like water off a duck's back (or insults off a platypus' bill, if you will). In the evening there's a series of openings we'd do well to make a point of being ready for, but even if we choose wisely amongst them we'll find ourselves up against a wall by night's end in terms of what we ought to do holding us back from what we want to do. Take the road that makes the most sense materially, keeping in mind that sometimes what we want to do really is what we ought to do even if it seems on the surface like there are more important things on our plates.

For most of us Wednesday is uncomfortable like a belt after Thanksgiving dinner. There're all sorts of positive effects coming about, but taking it all in may leave us feeling a bit overstuffed. It's okay to leave what we can't take in on our plates, or wrap it up and store it for later. If it goes bad before we can get to it, we'll get more another time. Nothing in the handbook of life requires us to accept everything that comes our way, and in the course of living reason dictates we realize that in fact it's a good idea to be a bit choosy when a bounteous cornucopia is set before us. Not only does that prevent us getting weighed down with a bunch of excess, it leaves more for the next person who comes along. That said, the theme for this day is mitosis, taking in and taking in until we're full to bursting, and then dividing to become two of what we were (each new part of ourselves free to become what it will). Around twenty after 5:00 PM and ten after 7:00 PM watch for bits of luck, the first involving places we go and what we say when we get there, and the second hinging on who we are and what we have as it relates to what we want. Just before 11:30 we'll have a chance to put words to our material ideals, so the night ends on a good note, but the Moon will have been void of course since that lucky trine at 7:11 so we'll want to keep in mind that this statement is only an exercise and unlikely to stick.

Thursday is astrologically very quiet after the Moon enters Aquarius at 12:20 AM. The morning has a volatile undercurrent with Aquarius' Moon first stimulating our retrograde North Node in Aries just before twenty after 3:00 and then opposing Saturn in Leo at twenty to 11:00, both of which involve our emotional reaction to how the past and present will affect the future. The former is a chance to evaluate and reshape our actions and the latter finds us torn between play that we feel will support and enhance our long-term well-being and the feeling that we must incorporate a more disciplined, thoughtful approach. Just after 1:00 PM we find words that express us strongly and will likely help us work through our options, but in the evening we find we need to backtrack and amend some of what we've discovered. With Mercury void of course from 1:02 PM today until it enters Gemini at 1:52 PM Friday we may as well set that aside and let it percolate.

Instead Friday morning comes in with us examining our dreams and making evolutionary changes, only to find that some of our decisions feel a little uncomfortable by 5:00 AM. Just after 8:00 we're presented with the chance to add those things which attract us to the mix which brings progress in a productive direction, continuing until we're ready to take action in the early afternoon. Aside from a minor bump near half-past 7:00 PM this general energy remains with us through the evening.

Saturday morning we find ourselves feeling clearer on the legacy we desire to leave behind us, but shortly thereafter who we are and what we have are brought up short by the people and desires to which we're emotionally attached. At 3:39 AM when the Moon enters Pisces we begin to believe that we can work it all out, and of course believing in it is at least half the work of creating a given reality. Our melancholic emotional state bumps up against our rather sanguine mental condition just before a quarter after 6:00 AM, but if we work within the limitations of this energy we stand a good chance of creating a very compelling case for what it is we intend to make manifest in the next little while. The words we find here will in turn allow us to communicate to others what it is we're hoping to offer through our work (and play) and while that disclosure doesn't go entirely smoothly, by late morning we're in a position to begin taking action toward drawing our dreams out of the ether into the material world. It should come as no surprise that there are points of resistance all along the way through the rest of the afternoon, as with anything worth doing, but regardless the day winds down into evening with a growth spurt and, after the Sun moves into Gemini at 9:31 PM, ends with a bit of luck as we stroll into or stumble upon (depending upon how we've chosen to move through the more challenging parts of the journey) the most fortuitous of transformations to apply to our recent work. 'Ray! It's always nice to end the week on a high note.

As always, take good care folks.


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