A Mind Is a Terrible Thing to Measure - New York Times

A Mind Is a Terrible Thing to Measure - New York Times

There's an interesting line in this article: "... we should ... be doing everything we can to control pain..."

Uhm... Why?

I understand the reasoning and at a superficial level I agree that it sounds like the thing to do, but maybe if we were feeling a little more of our pain we'd be better equipped to figure out what's wrong with our bodies, our lives, even our society, and rather than ignoring it all and letting it fester until it kills us (because we've mitigated the pain so well) we could do something about it while it's still manageable. We might even be able to cure most things if we noticed them in their early stages and actually addressed them at the source rather than writing them off as 'regular aches and pains' to be suppressed and analgesed.

