Go From Silence

Go From Silence

Don't solve your problems,

dissolve your problems - so that they should not
recur again.
- Yogi Bhajan

Go From Silence

I recommend spending time in silent, peaceful meditation every day. Taking a regular break from the chaotic rat race feeds your soul.

There does come a time, however, when it's vitally important to get up off the sidelines and participate. Get going and get involved.

If you retreat too much, you miss out on a lot of opportunities to learn and express yourself. If you're overly withdrawn, you cheat yourself of a lot of joy that comes from being involved in the life that God gave you.

Spend some quiet time with God each and every day, and then take that peaceful stillness out into the world and infuse your actions with it.

No single approach to weight loss works for everyone. We urge you to consult with your physician before making any significant changes in your eating habits or physical activities to ensure that what you propose for yourself is nutritionally sound, safe, and healthy.

Copyright by Norris J. Chumley, all rights reserved.

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