Energy of the Month

Ah... We can relax a bit now. We've made many exciting changes and discoveries in Aquarius [update for all links (February 4, 2104): MOA T & A Glossary], and now, in Pisces, it's time to let go and enjoy. Okay, maybe 'relax' isn't always the operative word; perhaps it would be more accurate to say 'submit to our dreams', which may or may not be relaxing. (Some fish are dolphins, some are salmon. Salmon get their jollies swimmin' upstream to breed and die, but it's a reasonable balance to a {relatively} easy-as-pie first part of life. :->) So find your waters, a shady pool, a rushing river, all the oceans of the world, or perhaps you prefer Lake Superior in a cold year, who knows, but in any case pick your waters and prepare to dive in. Fiery types can expect a steamy time, (re)ignition of love affairs, stimulation of passions. For airy personalities Pisces energy has the potential to be a bit heavy, but keep in mind that it's only a month and take the opportunity to slow down and settle into yourself a bit; you'll likely come out the other side nicely refreshed. For earth signs there's a similar danger, getting 'waterlogged' (often emotionally) and feeling heavy and lethargic, but let things roll off appropriately and you too will come out into Aries feeling fertile and creative, ready to put forth shoots from what will by then be solid roots in place under your surface. And water signs will feel right at home, your greatest challenge being in maintaining emotional balance. Of course the emotions are your domain so your usual level of comfort will simply be magnified. (This can be disconcerting if you're uncomfortable most of the time.) We may all feel a bit wishy-washy this month, but you see that's appropriate, washing our wishes in the water of the Fishes into dreams in which we can believe.
