Energy of the Day

Spiritual awareness supports our personal betterment here, especially relating to our homes and families. We want to boil out the impurities and start with fresh distilled inventive ideas (and good nutrient-rich water, preferably naturally so but 'enriched' if you so desire, for cleansing the system) and calm nerves. The smart move is to devote ourselves to what we love, hold onto our ideals in terms of what we hope to accomplish, and weigh the options thoroughly.

Disciplined use of the current pause between the time we acquired something and the time we'll put it to use for someone other than ourselves helps to prevent financial dissatisfaction and encourage a reevaluation of the nature of our interactions. A good gauge of what's working and what's not is examining what physical toll a given synergy is taking on the body, especially the neck and throat. We want to use the conflicts in our lives to bring harmony to others by demonstrating through our own example how to take fear and anger and sorrow and make them strengths going forward by transforming them, if we desire, to love and peace and joy (or maintaining them as fear and anger and sorrow if that has better results for a given entity).

'Riding the wave' is the phrase for the day, staying on top of those moments of mental self-doubt and uncertainty, knowing that our social net is cast wide enough that if one part of the whole should break the rest will bear us up as we do it to the best of our ability. We've been through the fire together and we know that we can trust our community. Feelings of confusion, and of suffering and loss, often go along with changes of the sort that are taking place in our wider worlds, especially those involving a degree of adversity; this too shall pass.

Moments of Awareness, LLC
